Sunday, August 21, 2011

Har ek Friend zaroori hota hai..:):)

Abhilasha- She is always high on life, except the times when she is actually high. ;). She brings life to a party with her enthusiasm and ability to put a smile on everyone’s faces. One of the most sporting persons I know. She has taught me how to be professional yet completely irresponsible, serious yet naughty, hard working yet lazy and the list goes on.  She is the one who on asking “ Is this looking bad?” will tell you bluntly “ Yes, it is” but will make sure that it ends up looking great.:) She will fight with you but fight harder for you. My life would have been incomplete had I not met you or rather as you would say" tricked you in becoming friends with me".:)

Nidhi- She is the most level headed person I have ever known.  She is the friend who will hold your hand and help you in climbing down a cliff when you are scared but also the one who will add horns to your head when you are not looking and have a good laugh over it.Being with her, you end up having very good food or no food at all. She has inspired me with her ability to give just the right amount of freedom along with the closeness, which you should in a relationship. Last but not the least, my ultimate shopping partner who does not let you feel guilty when you buy something overpriced just because you fell in love with it.

Pujal- She is the one who on meeting, you feel is “too good to be true” literally and then you know her and realize that she is even better than that. She is the one who turns up her nose at almost all edible items in your vicinity.She is the girl you feel like taking home to meet your mother (females too, though there is a long queue of males ;)).She is the one who cheers you up, when you lose her umbrella and tell you “It’s, Ok”.  She amazes me always with her goodness and her ability to see things positively. I don’t just love you but treasure you for what you are.
These girls have inspired me, taught me, threatened me (I am not kidding) and have always been there for me. Thank you so much for making a difference in my life.
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
– Rembrandts, F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Friday, August 12, 2011

Siblings Forever..:)

On this day, I think of all the days because of which this day is so special to me. When I was a teenager, brother (that too ELDER) was the most dreaded word in my dictionary. He was the creature who snoops into your room and refuses to understand the meaning of the word “privacy”. He reads your locked private diaries, listens in to your conversations with all your friends and fills in your parents on what they were about without even censoring it. He is the one who glares at all your male friends and also at your female friends to know more about the male ones. Then I think I was too young to completely understand the depth of this relationship, it was just about who scores over the other in our incessant fights. Over the years which we spent under our parent’s roof, the trials which we went through as a family and the times when we looked out for each other just like siblings should, strengthened our bond and brought us closer. Though, these years never stopped his snooping around among my stuff (specifically, my cell phone..Humph!) but the fights became more and more civilized with each passing year :).We grew up.

Then, another milestone came in our relationship when he got married and I got a wonderful sister-in-law who had all the good things of a sibling without the bad ones. She didn’t interfere, but she made sure that she was there when you needed her and couldn’t say so. She didn’t tease you about all the good food she had, instead she cooked them especially for you. She is the one with whom you share a knowing exasperated glance when you see your brother flaunting his new watch, telling his tales or making funny faces to irritate you. She is the one who sends him to my room to cheer me up when I am angry with him for shouting on me and also the one who makes him realize that the other dress would look better on me than the one he has “painstakingly” selected. She came in our household and became an integral part of it. 

On this day, I just want to tell you both that I love you guys and thanks for being there for me always.
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”- George Moore