This post is about My GANG, who has been with me since school and will be with me forever. We are a unique bunch, our traits and qualities endear us to many and also infuriate many..;)This is dedicated to my friends and a glimpse into our world for the others.:)
Women really do rule the world. They just haven't figured it out yet. When they do, and they will, we're all in big big trouble. ~ Doctor Leon
Anne- She is the innocent one in our group, who was taken for a ride always but then the little girl grew up and now takes us for a ride (at least tries to:)). She is curious about everything, also about things she doesn’t understand and we have to explain it to her, that too explicitly... ;) We love her for her inquisitiveness and innocence.
Chanchal – A girl who is an original and just as priceless as a Da Vinci or a Picasso. She is the life of the party, her grin and her mischievous smile is infectious. Her one liners and her sense of humor is unparalleled. But what really make her adorable are her childlike enthusiasm and a heart of gold.
Khushboo – She is the perfect daughter and now I should add the perfect daughter-in-law (I really look up to her for that), who is the only girl we all don’t want to get in the wrong side of, a fact her husband would completely endorse..;).But the truth is we all love being bossed by her, she is the one string which binds us all and we love her.
Shradha- She always has the expression of a disapproving aunt at all our antics but in the end we are rewarded with an indulgent smile when she realizes that we will never improve and remain as crazy as ever always.
Siddhi – She is the saint among us, who is the ocean of calm in a storm though she is herself very sentimental and her huge eyes get all red along with her cute nose. She is the one who is always there for all of us though she is a very busy lady with long queues of her so called “acquaintances” actually admirers... ;).
Sucheta- She is the coolest gal among us all. She always has the most interesting stories to tell and loves to tell them, with a sparkle in her eye. We have seen her growing up and her hair growing short from her very early days when she didn’t cut them at all due to some religious reasons. We love you for the weird and funny stuffs you always tell us.
Yamini- She is the Gucci one, who would tell you how the other day she went shopping and got her Guess shades. She is the one who made us ladies from the gauche teenage girls we were, so you have to mind your P’s and Q’s in front of her. We all love her for bringing sophistication to our group. :)
Vrinda- She is the clever one. She is the only one among us who ever looks at the watch and is on time everywhere, very much to our dismay. We love her parents more than her for putting a roof over our head every time, I mean we have had the maximum number of slumber parties at her place:).We love her for her curls, her graphology and for all the lunches and dinners at her place along with all the tidbits and snacks we gorge on at her home.
These are my girls, whom I love and adore and have grown up with. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
P.S: They are the ones responsible for making me ME, so you can bash them up for the problems you have with me... ;)